Hexnet Hexagonal Tag Feed: sumer A feed of tagged nodes. https://hexnet.org/blog Sumerian temple hymn to Iddin-Dagan <p> Here we see, apparently, a cuneiform hymn to Iddin-Dagan, lugal of Larsa, from the 19th century BC, inscribed on a hexagonal artifact of some sort. It is my understanding that the Sumerians of yore made similar inscriptions on otherly-shaped blocks as well&mdash;square, pentagonal, etc.&mdash;but I would like to think there was some religious significance to the choice of a hexagon here. </p> Thu, 16 Sep 2010 23:35:06 +0000 https://hexnet.org/content/sumerian-temple-hymn-iddin-dagan https://hexnet.org/content/sumerian-temple-hymn-iddin-dagan